September 16 - 18, 2025
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas
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2024 Program



Start With the Money: Pay Equity as the Foundation of Fairness

September 24, 2024
Mandalay Bay J Ballroom
Can we at least agree that when people do the same work, they should be paid the same? It's been the law since the early 1960s when Congress passed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Pay Act. But the Economic Policy Institute reports that we haven't made progress in pay equity in the last 30 years.

Recently, states have taken on pay equity in the form of salary history bans and pay transparency laws. With increased visibility comes increased accountability and some new approaches. We have tools that make pay equity easier to assess and monitor. Some states are providing safe harbors that eliminate liability if the employer can show they are assessing pay equity, have a plan to address pay gaps and are making progress.

What if we actually work to solve the problem? The place to start is with the money.
Heather Bussing, Employment Attorney, Writer, HR Tech Analyst, Law Professor - Bussing Law, HR Examiner

Session Type

Women in HR Tech

Learning Objective 1

1) Find out why paying your people fairly is essential to staying in business.

Learning Objective 2

2) Understand the importance of pay equity assessments.

Learning Objective 3

3) Explore how pay equity can make a difference in building a fairer workplace.

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